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Food Tips

  1. When traveling pick up a platter or a bowl to add a reminder of your travels to your table when you get home...or to give your meal, salad, dessert that special feel like you have traveled somewhere - simply go to e-bay, or your local yard sale, estate sale and find a striking bowl or platter that makes a statement and stands out - and decorate it with delicious food for an elegant and simple meal. This weekend I will be highlighting how to put together a stunning, elegant and simple antipasti for you to do at home.

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever tried a wine that you really liked and wanted to remember? Perhaps you even wrote down the name, year, and other pertinent details from the bottle and then when you went to buy that special bottle, you couldn't remember the name, or where you left the napkin or paper on which you wrote the info? Well next time, simply bring out your phone or a camera and take a picture of the label.
